BLOG marketing August 4, 2023

Translating Webinars: How to Do It Right

Understanding how to make your webinar content accessible and appealing to a broader audience is vital. Whether it's a corporate webinar for building trust and gaining leads, or an educational one aimed at gathering insights, webinars offer unparalleled advantages. However, given that 75% of internet users are non-native English speakers, the importance of translating and transcribing your webinars cannot be overstated. In this article, we will explore how to plan, execute, and translate webinars, to maximize their reach and impact.

What Exactly is a Webinar?

A webinar is a live, web-based video conference that uses the internet to connect the presenter to viewers and listeners from all over the world. Here's why webinars have become so popular:

  • Reach Anywhere: Whether for business, educational purposes, or just to share knowledge, webinars enable you to connect with people globally.
  • Interactivity: Your audience can interact with you, ask questions, and engage in live discussions.
  • Trust and Leads: For corporate webinars, it's a way to establish trust, gain leads, and enhance your brand's reputation.
  • Interactivity: A well-executed webinar can lead to other content forms like blogs, infographics, videos, and more.

Tips for a Successful Webinar

Know Your Attendees

Understand your audience's goals and the challenges they face. Tailor your content to resonate with their needs.

Choose the Right Format

Decide what would engage your audience best: single presenter, dual presenter, panel discussion, Q&A, or product demonstration. At least one host should moderate the event.

Design Engaging Content

Craft your webinar contents meticulously and use an eye-catching slide deck. Bigger on-screen text and visuals ensure mobile-friendliness.

Avoid Technical Issues

Invest in good technology. Ensure a stable internet connection and a quality microphone to avoid any hiccups during the webinar.


Promote your webinar through social media, a landing page on your website, blog posts, and emails before the event.


Preparation and rehearsal may be time-consuming but are essential for a smooth presentation.


Corporate and e-learning webinars often have low attendance. Localizing the content can multiply your reach.


Engage with your audience even after the webinar ends.

Extending Your Webinar’s Life

Once your English-language webinar is over, its life doesn't end. The recording remains online, attracting more viewers than the original event. Here's how to maximize that:

  • Transcribing & Translating: Making your webinar multilingual unlocks a much larger audience. Transcribe it into written text for repurposing, and translate it to reach non-English speakers.
  • Use AI for Preliminary Work: AI can handle the initial groundwork of transcribing and translating, with professionals post-editing to ensure accuracy.
  • Provide Context to Linguists: If third-party linguists are involved, give them the necessary background to understand the domain and context.
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Streamlining the Process

Leveraging AI for the groundwork of transcribing and translating can save time and resources. Professional linguists can then handle the post-editing phase to ensure accuracy and context. When engaging third-party linguists, provide them with sufficient background information for a comprehensive understanding of the content.

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