BLOG Marketing August 5, 2023

Video Subtitles Transcreation and Adaptation: A Marketing Approach

What is Transcreation in Marketing?

Transcreation isn't just translation; it's a process that goes beyond words. It's about conveying the essence, emotions, and context of the original content, making it resonate with a different cultural audience. Think of it as translation with a creative twist.

Benefits of Transcreation

  • Cultural Sensitivity: Tailoring your message to align with local customs and sentiments.
  • Brand Integrity: Keeping your brand's voice consistent across different languages.
  • Engagement: Engaging viewers by speaking their language, figuratively and literally..

Requirements for Proper Transcreation

  • Understanding of Target Culture: Tailoring your message to align with local customs and sentiments.
  • Native Language Speakers: Ensure accuracy and authenticity.
  • Creative Approach: Add a unique flavor that aligns with your brand.

Transcreation and Subtitles

Subtitles in promotional videos aren't just a literal translation of spoken words. They need to connect with the viewers in a way that feels natural and engaging. Transcreation can help make that connection more authentic and enjoyable.

Automated captioning can provide a good starting point. With tools like Fluen Studio, you can build upon auto-generated subtitle translations, ensuring they fit your brand's voice and target audience's culture. It's a blend of technology and human creativity.

Fluen AI's Linguist Teams

If you need more assistance, Fluen AI can connect you with skilled linguist teams to perform the adaptation. They understand the subtleties of transcreation, ensuring that your content is not just translated but adapted to resonate with your audience.

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Transcreation is a valuable tool in the world of video marketing, particularly when reaching diverse audiences. It adds a layer of creativity to the translation, ensuring that the message is not just understood but felt. With the right blend of technology and human touch, like the services provided by Fluen Studio and Fluen AI, you can make your video content more engaging and effective. It's not just about getting the words right; it's about getting the message right.

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